Success Stories
1 Testimonials / 16 Success Stories
Chinese Kisses let opportunies for many people to find love and hapiness, and they're proud to share it with you.
宋明 20 Oct 2021
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我是外国人住在中国我可以说中文,我来桂林两年了 能不能认识一下
Günther  and
Susan 15 Sep 2018
Success story
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Ich bin durch Zufall auf diese Seite gestoßen und war seit dem 04.07.2018 hier Mitglied! Meine zukünftige Frau namens SUSANNE schrieb mich als erste Frau von dieser Seite an, wir schrieben uns E-MAILS auch über unsere Familien und tauschten Fotos aus. In einem Brief den ich IHR schrieb, hatte ich ihr meine E-MAIL mit gesendet und SIE hat mich um Betätigung meiner E-MAIL Adresse gebeten, seit diesen Tag schreiben wir uns Privat. Wir haben uns hier in einander Verliebt und beschlossen im Dezember diesen Jahres noch zu Heiraten, Wir Schreiben uns täglich und schickt mir immer Fotos von unserer ENKELIN mit.
Wir sind beide sehr GLÜCKLICH das wir uns auf dieser Seite gefunden und Verliebt haben,leider gibt es noch keine Fotos wo wir gemeinsam zu sehen sind.
Jocelyn  and
George 30 Jan 2018
Success story
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I just want to share my story, first of all, I was so happy because I finally found the man of my dream which is George. I was so excited because he was planning to visit me next month for a meet up until 2 days ago an incident happened.
My mobile phone which is the only way for us to communicate with each other got stolen while I was in the grocery store doing shopping for my mini store here in the Philippines. I created this new account hoping I would successfully inform him about what happened and so I can contact him again. Mahal, if you can read this story of mine, I want you to know that I was doing all I can, all the means just to get touch with you again. Hopefully this message will successfully get to you. I am very worried that whenever you messaged me in my old account someone will message you back ruining our relationship by sending bad messages or anything that can make my reputation bad.
Until now I am hoping that you will successfully get my message. Please sent me an email if you will be able to get this message.
Love and Prayer,
Piero  and
Ying 04 Jan 2016
Success story
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We met in 2014 after first talking at Chinese Kisses and then QQ and Skype. We have remained in daily contact and were married in December 2015.
Norbert  and
Yaohong 03 Dec 2014
Success story
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Dear Asia Ladies and Gentleman all over the world. After 4 Years searching at Chinesekisses, Thaikisses, filipinokisses and Asian Kisses, I found finally my Love, my Wife in China. I made a lot of experiences in this time: I lost an amount of money for a tricky Filipina scammer. I met a beautiful young Lady from Taiwan, but the relation broke after a common vacation in Germany. I met a beautiful Lady in Shanghai, who let me alone after one week, as I met her in Shanghai the second time. I had have very much contacts and I wrote hundret of e-mails. I spend a lot of time, energie and Money. After I found out, that Chinese-Ladies are more sincere, I started to learn Chinese too. So I found my beautiful, lovely, honestly Wife and we are very happy now.
If you want to have success here, choose only the Ladies and Gentlemen, who want to skype with you, phone with you, write SMS, write every day an e-mail, show you their family-members, who don't lie, who don't tell suspect things and don't beg for money. Only that ones, who are realy interested, do this. All others are wasted time.
My deeply thanks to Chinese-Kisses. With best regards Norbert
Norbert (66 years) Germany, Bochum [NOR9428]
Dear Asia Ladies and Gentleman all over the world.<br>After 4 Years searching at Chinesekisses, Thaikisses, filipinokisses and Asian Kisses, I found finally my Love, my Wife in China.<br>I made a lot of...
Lingga  and
Wilhelm 12 Nov 2014
Success story
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Dear Chinese Kisses,
I just want to say thank you to ChineseKisses.
I met Wilhelm 14 months ago at Chinesekisses.
We written emails everyday. Now he visited me last week and we spent nice time together in Phuket and Jakarta.
He is very nice man.
He is the one for me!
Thank you Chinesekisses!!!
Dear ChineseKisses,
I send the pictures of our 2nd holiday on Oct'14. We have a good time together.
Thank you ChineseKisses.
Lingga & Wilhelm
Linggasari (56 years) Indonesia, Jakarta [LIN3612]
Dear Chinese Kisses,<br><br>I just want to say thank you to ChineseKisses.<br><br>I met Wilhelm 14 months ago at Chinesekisses.<br><br>We written emails everyday. <br> <br>Now he visited me last week and...
Linggasari (56 years) Indonesia, Jakarta [LIN3612]
Dear Chinese Kisses,<br><br>I just want to say thank you to ChineseKisses.<br><br>I met Wilhelm 14 months ago at Chinesekisses.<br><br>We written emails everyday. <br> <br>Now he visited me last week and...
Linggasari (56 years) Indonesia, Jakarta [LIN3612]
Dear Chinese Kisses,<br><br>I just want to say thank you to ChineseKisses.<br><br>I met Wilhelm 14 months ago at Chinesekisses.<br><br>We written emails everyday. <br> <br>Now he visited me last week and...
Linggasari (56 years) Indonesia, Jakarta [LIN3612]
Dear Chinese Kisses,<br><br>I just want to say thank you to ChineseKisses.<br><br>I met Wilhelm 14 months ago at Chinesekisses.<br><br>We written emails everyday. <br> <br>Now he visited me last week and...
Ken  and
Yun 18 Jun 2014
Success story
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Thank you Chinese Kisses!
Your service is easy to use and your customer service is excellent.
I've been very satisfied with your company.
However I no longer need your service because I met the perfect woman for me on your system.
I wasn't sure it was possible but it happened.
We are both very happy and cannot thank you enough for your excellent website.
Sincerely, Ken
Mark  and
Yaling 21 Mar 2014
Success story
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I found the love of my life here on Chinese Kisses after a relatively short time! Fate, brought us together! I travelled to China to meet with Yaling, and didn't want to leave! While I was there I met another expat from the UK, and now I have a new job and a new family waiting for me in China!
So I have to say THANK YOU Chinese Kisses for a great easy to use site and to Yaling who will soon be my wife, love you baby!!! xxx
Mark (62 years) United Kingdom, Mansfield [MAR6410]
I found the love of my life here on Chinese Kisses after a relatively short time! Fate, brought us together! I travelled to China to meet with Yaling, and didn't want to leave! While I was there I met...
Mark (62 years) United Kingdom, Mansfield [MAR6410]
I found the love of my life here on Chinese Kisses after a relatively short time! Fate, brought us together! I travelled to China to meet with Yaling, and didn't want to leave! While I was there I met...
Jakob  and
Lan 23 Apr 2013
Success story
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Anfangs überwältigt von einer Flut an Partnervorschlägen von CK fiel mir schon bald Lans Profil besonders auf. In ihre warmen Augen verliebte ich mich sofort und wagte ihr eine erste Nachricht zu schreiben. So begann ein vorsichtiger Kontakt zwischen uns zu entstehen. Schnell konnten wir die üblichen Vorurteile ausräumen und lernten uns näher kennen: aus täglichen Emails wurde rasch tägliches Skypen - wir spürten einfach, dass wir zusammen gehören. Ein halbes Jahr später war es endlich soweit, ich reiste nach Nanning für ein erstes Treffen. Es war einfach nur wunderschön, fühlte sich an als hätten wir uns schon immer gekannt, so vertraut und nah. Wir können seither nicht mehr voneinander lassen. Bald schon werden wir zusammen unseren Traum leben können. Es gilt nur noch die deutsche Bürokratie zu bändigen :-)
Martin  and
Sheryn 13 Oct 2011
Success story
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Dear ChineseKisses, We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!
WE LOVE CHINESEKISSES..... martin@sheryn
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
xxx (44 years) Philippines [GRA6186]
Dear ChineseKisses,<br> <br>We are so happy to tell you that we are now married and living in England. We met on CK and hope that other people have the same luck we have had. God bless all of you!<br><br>WE...
DANNY  and
LIN 30 Sep 2011
Success story
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I am writing this letter to show my appreciation to the Chinese Kisses website. My wife and me both enrolled on this web site on October 2010. We meet each other on this site a month later, after chatting with each other for 2 months. we were deeply in love with each other and i was in china for three weeks in January, 2011 and got engaged to Lin. I went back to China again in May and we got married on May 10. We are on the process of apply a settlement visa for Lin to move to Canada and start our new life together.
Thank you very much (Chinese Kisses) and I encourage the members to believe in miracle if it happen to both of us, it will happen to you too.
Yours Sincerely
Danny and Lin
september 29 2011
Helmut  and
Yan 22 Jun 2011
Success story
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Sehr geehrte Chinesekisses,
ich schreibe Ihnen, damit alle wissen, dass ich meine zukünftige Frau gefunden habe. Wir haben im März 28, 2011 den Kontakt aufgenommen. Wir haben uns täglich geschrieben und über Webkamera gesehen. Ich entschloss mich im Mai nach China zu fliegen, im August dieses Jahres werden wir in China heiraten. Wir sind so verliebt, dass wir unsere wahre Liebe mit der Hilfe auf dieser Seite gefunden haben. Wir sind so dankbar für diese Webseite. Gott segne euch und andere die das große Glück auf dieser Seite finden wollen.
WE LOVE CHINESEKISSES ..... Danke noch Mals Danke ......
Helmut (76 years) Germany, Kamen [HEL2452]
Sehr geehrte Chinesekisses, <br><br>ich schreibe Ihnen, damit alle wissen, dass ich meine zukünftige Frau gefunden habe. Wir haben im März 28, 2011 den Kontakt aufgenommen. Wir haben uns täglich geschrieben...
Helmut (76 years) Germany, Kamen [HEL2452]
Sehr geehrte Chinesekisses, <br><br>ich schreibe Ihnen, damit alle wissen, dass ich meine zukünftige Frau gefunden habe. Wir haben im März 28, 2011 den Kontakt aufgenommen. Wir haben uns täglich geschrieben...
PAT2403  and
VEN4094 23 Jan 2011
Success story
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Dear ChineseKisses, I am writing this letter just to let you know how grateful we both are to your website. We met in April 2010 and got married in Hong Kong in Nov. 2010. We are going through the process of a settlement visa for us to live in England. We are so happy together and plan to have a child soon. All thanks to your website, my life has changed so much. Thank you again!
Regards, Patrick & Venus.
Heath  and
19 Sep 2010
Success story
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I just would like to say, that I have met some really nice and interesting people on here, but one in particular. I don't want to mention her name as she gets a little shy, but i would just like to say thank you. If it wasn't for this site, we would never even started to chat.
Once again, thank you! Heath
Tony  and
Hui 11 Aug 2010
Success story
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My name is Tony and I am happy to report that I met my wife Hui on Chinese Kisses back in June of 2009. We were married in Beijing in February of 2010 and we are going through the difficult visa processes. It's not easy to meet the love of your life, but we feel that we have found a deep and lasting love, and that it continues to grow as we write and talk on the phone most everyday using a prepaid calling card (such as available on the e-call China site). Love is such a rare thing in life, and we hope it happens for you too! Remember to keep copies of email and receipts of amounts paid for the use of this beautiful site to show with the visa petition.
Tony (72 years) United States of America, Barstow [TON5937]
My name is Tony and I am happy to report that I met my wife Hui on Chinese Kisses back in June of 2009. We were married in Beijing in February of 2010 and we are going through the difficult visa processes....
Tony (72 years) United States of America, Barstow [TON5937]
My name is Tony and I am happy to report that I met my wife Hui on Chinese Kisses back in June of 2009. We were married in Beijing in February of 2010 and we are going through the difficult visa processes....
Tony (72 years) United States of America, Barstow [TON5937]
My name is Tony and I am happy to report that I met my wife Hui on Chinese Kisses back in June of 2009. We were married in Beijing in February of 2010 and we are going through the difficult visa processes....
Tony (72 years) United States of America, Barstow [TON5937]
My name is Tony and I am happy to report that I met my wife Hui on Chinese Kisses back in June of 2009. We were married in Beijing in February of 2010 and we are going through the difficult visa processes....
Yi  and
Joe (JOE6151) 01 May 2010
Success story
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We never very crazy together.The first time we meet i lost my camera. He gave me his camera and my english very suck , but he is like chat. We chat everyday. We have different relgion , but he enjoya to go with me to the church and temple. I love him a lot. He promsed me that he comes back to taiwan. We maybe will live together. I like him a lot that he waits for me. He is 26 years old. We have a lot of plans.
Steve  and
Success story
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Dear chinesekisses, im just say thanks a lot on this site that i found my wife. we are married last april 2010 its a very wonderfull wedding coz i have a fantastic wife and specially we love each other..
We live in korea now and build happy family life.. To all members don't give up to find your true love. this is the best site..
Good bless all and more power!!!
We love chinesekisses.....
Steven and Rose
Steve (66 years) South Korea, Seul [STE8090]
Dear chinesekisses,<br>im just say thanks a lot on this site that i found my wife. we are married last april 2010 its a very wonderfull wedding coz i have a fantastic wife and specially we love each other..<br><br>We...
Steve (66 years) South Korea, Seul [STE8090]
Dear chinesekisses,<br>im just say thanks a lot on this site that i found my wife. we are married last april 2010 its a very wonderfull wedding coz i have a fantastic wife and specially we love each other..<br><br>We...
Steve (66 years) South Korea, Seul [STE8090]
Dear chinesekisses,<br>im just say thanks a lot on this site that i found my wife. we are married last april 2010 its a very wonderfull wedding coz i have a fantastic wife and specially we love each other..<br><br>We...
Steve (66 years) South Korea, Seul [STE8090]
Dear chinesekisses,<br>im just say thanks a lot on this site that i found my wife. we are married last april 2010 its a very wonderfull wedding coz i have a fantastic wife and specially we love each other..<br><br>We...
Steve (66 years) South Korea, Seul [STE8090]
Dear chinesekisses,<br>im just say thanks a lot on this site that i found my wife. we are married last april 2010 its a very wonderfull wedding coz i have a fantastic wife and specially we love each other..<br><br>We...
Steve (66 years) South Korea, Seul [STE8090]
Dear chinesekisses,<br>im just say thanks a lot on this site that i found my wife. we are married last april 2010 its a very wonderfull wedding coz i have a fantastic wife and specially we love each other..<br><br>We...
Steve (66 years) South Korea, Seul [STE8090]
Dear chinesekisses,<br>im just say thanks a lot on this site that i found my wife. we are married last april 2010 its a very wonderfull wedding coz i have a fantastic wife and specially we love each other..<br><br>We...